Search Results: "Randall Donald"

17 September 2006

Randall Donald: I'm a bit sick but I got this done

1.0.7184 legacy drivers have just been uploaded in amd64 and i386 forms to ftp-master. They also support xorg 7.1 so they will be in experimental for now.

R.I.P. lilo.

1 September 2006

Randall Donald: More bits

1) nvidia-graphics-drivers 1.0.8774-2 has just been uploaded to experimental to provide xserver-xorg-video-1.0 for xorg 7.1.

2) I see that NVIDIA has released new legacy packages with a 7.1 update. That is good news for etch.

3) I like mayonnaise.

31 August 2006

Randall Donald: That Metro Thing

Got at!

30 August 2006

Randall Donald: Pushing Virtualization

At work I recently decided to set up virtual servers on one of in house development servers, a Dell Poweredge 1750. I've used UML before personally and also on one of our remote servers but this time I wanted try Xen as it seems to be the da bomb these days. Well I tried both Debian kernels and a self-built one but both crahsed on boot at XEN) Scrubbing Free RAM: ...........done.
(XEN) Xen trace buffers: disabled. After skimming the internet briefly I decided to try openvz which I also wanted to try out and it works well for our purposes. I'm not saying Xen sucks, just that the system didn't boot and I couldn't see why right away.

2 August 2006

Randall Donald: A Quote from Gavin the Incredible

In reply to "You and your search for accodales." - Are those like Tylenol?

21 July 2006

Randall Donald: The wife and the swan

So last night my wife picks up my
Openswan: Building and Integrating Virtual Private Networks
book and starts reading it aloud. She started with the Introduction which is about the need for cryptography and history of the Internet and found it fascinating. She like the line about "The Internet was, in fact, not invented by Al Gore." So, although I suspect the rest of the book may not be as interesting to her, kudos to Paul Wouters and Ken Bantoft for writing a good Introduction.

17 July 2006

Randall Donald: Mind Tricks

Does this ever happen to anyone else? Everytime a prop plane flys over Van Halen's Panama pops into my head. The same thing happens with AC/DC's Hells Bells and church bells.

12 July 2006

Randall Donald: I have a large fridge at home and I've been eating a lot of pork chops

MX1000: I've been trying to get horizontal scrolling working on my logitech mx1000 mouse with the tilt wheel. So far no luck. I've used the various howtos to get all the other buttons going but the tilt wheel is still alluding me. If anybody has this working I'd like to know how. Xorg7 of course.

Multiple Monitors: So I've been running with multiple montors for 5 years now at work and at home and I've settled in on standard way of using them. Initially I used xinerama on a Matrox card at work on two 17" screens. I make heavy use of virtual desktops/workspaces (whatever you want to call them) so I didn't like switching both monitors at once too much. At home and my current job I use dual head on NVIDIA cards (not Twinview). I tend to leave the second monitor as things I monitor while switching between email, terminals, browsers and anything else on the first head. At work I also make use of x2x to send input to some server monitors wrapping around my desk. Little X tricks impress the designers.

RIP Syd Barrett.

8 July 2006

Randall Donald: Legacy Touchdown!

nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy_1.0.7182-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED with diversion fixes and some cleanups from Andrew Vaughan.

3 July 2006

Randall Donald: Sitting here now in this bar for hours

The are some test builds of nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy 1.0.7182-1 I'd like people to try here:

This is the first work I've used the subversion repository and tools on. After reading various howtos, I've grasped most of it I think. Work by the pkg-nvidia team should start to become active soon now.

28 June 2006

Randall Donald: Time for another "I know about..."

So yes, I know about the new NVIDIA legacy drivers. They should be uploaded to Debian by this weekend along with some diversion fixes for a bug in the old version.

Update: by the end of this weekend, which is a long weekend for me.

24 June 2006

Randall Donald: Pushing Subversion

I'm trying to replace SourceSafe at work with Subversion but it is going slowly. If anybody has any Java Web development using Subversion from Windows experiences they want to share, please toss me an email

Randall Donald: New Baby

Jovita had her first cria yesterday and it's a heathy girl.

It was the first birth on our farm and tended by us. Our other cria were born while agisting so it was an interesting experience for us.

More photos are at

22 May 2006

Randall Donald: Yes I know about 1.0-8762

The NVIDIA 1.0-8762 drivers were released today. No wishlist bugs please. I am starting the packages now. Hopefully legacy packages will be arriving soon also.

Update:8762 now uploaded

21 May 2006

Randall Donald: Packaging Team

So I've been thinking of assembling an Debian NVIDIA packaging team. This would include the current drivers, legacy drivers, modules, nvidia-settings, nvidia-xconfig, nvclock (essentially most of my packages). Of course, an invititation would also go out to other NVIDIA package maintainers. Hopefully this will produce more heads thinking about issues as well as reducing delay in keeping packages up to date as well as people who can test on different hardware (important for maintaining the legacy packages). I have some people already in mind for this so I'm not asking for volunteers at this time. I also don't know for sure what resources we would use. Alioth may be out given the driver's licensing but I can set up something on my own server if need be. I still have more thinking to do and questions to ask but this feels like the direction I maybe taking the packages in.

Randall Donald: Legacy work

So just an update, I've been working on the legacy drivers today and have run into the problem on amd64 that others in the forums have with the 2.6.16 patch compiling. I have upgraded it to work with Xorg7 now though so as soon as I can fix this compilation issue I'll have new drivers to upload. I haven't tried an i386 build yet but I image that might work.

Also I have noticed that the word from some NVIDIA people is that new legacy drivers are on the horizon. I hope it's sooner, rather than later.

28 April 2006

Randall Donald: Will you be my Neighbour?

So the company where I work at (Push72) is looking for a few (up to 5) good men (or women) to add to our development team. Currently we are heavily involved in online banking applications and need more people who know Java, have done some web application development and are good team players. Our office is in beautiful Parksville, British Columbia on Vancouver Island and relocation is required. This isn't an official job posting by any means (I don't hire, I just work here) but if you are interested, want to apply or want to know more information let me know at

22 April 2006

Randall Donald: Collaborative maintenance

Raphael Hertzog's post to debian-devel-announce regarding Guidelines for packaging projects on Alioth has got me thinking about trying out the collab-maint project suggestion. It seems a great idea for people who want to help out.

9 April 2006

Randall Donald: XGL and compiz

So I finally tried out XGL and compiz using the debs for ubuntu amd64
found here. It is pretty slick but the non-existant multiple monitor support had me return to plain Xorg. I might set it up at work though and wow my fellow coworkers.

Randall Donald: 1.0.8756 has hit the streets

...well, the archive. The 1.0.8756 NVIDIA drivers have been uploaded to their usual destinations. Both amd64 and i386 versions now in my repository while i386 was uploaded to ftp-master.

